Using Technologies Old And New For Fitness
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Using Technologies Old And New For Fitness

New advancements in technologies spell for great innovation and productivity ahead. SgFitFam’s very own founder, Gina Chan, has been advocating that the adoption of digitalisation is as vital as is beneficial. There are technologies easily available to digitalise information be it for personal or professional use. Here are 3 interesting applications that we would like to share with you to assist you in your fitness goals.

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Golfer's Elbow & How To Fix It
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Golfer's Elbow & How To Fix It

Feeling pain in the elbow when straightening your arm? Golfer’s elbow can be seen in those who tend to experience excess or repeated stress at the elbow, often from activities that involve twisting or flexing their wrist repetitively. What type of stretches and exercises are recommended to treat inner elbow pain?

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3 Dumbbell Exercises for a Perkier Butt
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3 Dumbbell Exercises for a Perkier Butt

Most of us dream of having a peach bum and have the impression that it is hard to attain. However, our buttocks are actually made up of a group of gluteal muscles (one of the largest muscles in the lower body). Similar to other muscles in your body, these muscles require training in order to grow and be firm.

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Do We Really Need Personal Training?
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Do We Really Need Personal Training?

Yes...and no. It all depends on the individual. The most common reason I hear from some who says no to personal training is that they can just go online and source for an exercise program easily. If so, have you ever wondered why you still spend that money to see a doctor and not just “go online and search”?

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