6 Ways To Implement Flexibility Training Into Your Routine

flexibility training guide blog

While many people stay hyper-focused on goals like increased muscle mass, lower body fat percentage and other general health markers, one other important aspect of wellness often gets chucked to the side, and that is flexibility.

Now, to some, this might seem less thrilling than lifting weights or going for a run. But what if I told you that maintaining flexibility could supercharge your performance in physical activities and significantly reduce the risk of injuries? In this blog, we will dive into flexibility: what it means, why it's crucial for your overall wellness, the amazing benefits it offers, and practical tips on how to integrate effective flexibility training into your workout routine. Let's stretch our understanding and embrace the power of flexibility together!

What Is Flexibility?

Flexibility refers to the capacity of one or more joints to move freely and painlessly through their full range of motion. While flexibility levels can vary greatly among individuals, maintaining minimum ranges is essential for preserving joint and overall body health.

Several factors in life can impact regular joint flexibility, including injuries, a sedentary lifestyle, and notably, insufficient stretching. Insufficient flexibility can significantly hinder your daily life and make performing routine tasks uncomfortable, not to mention potentially limiting your ability to engage in physical activities.

How Flexible Should I Be?

The only correct answer to this question is whatever works best for you. Beyond the basic requirement of moving comfortably through a full range of motion, flexibility becomes a matter of personal preference. While increased muscle mass is crucial for health, achieving a physique akin to Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime is more about personal aesthetics than health considerations. Similarly, being as flexible as a contortionist is a personal choice rather than a necessity. Your level of flexibility should align with your specific physical activities, whether you're focused on running, weightlifting, or other pursuits.

For those who frequent the gym, a critical sign to consider when gauging the need for flexibility training is the ability to perform exercises comfortably through their entire range of motion, especially at the deepest stretch points. Take the seated leg curl, for example. If you find it challenging to fully extend your hamstrings due to tightness and end up doing partial repetitions, this may indicate a need for flexibility training. Discomfort during attempts to achieve a full range of motion signals an opportunity to improve flexibility.

Research suggests that enhancing flexibility in these deep stretches can potentially lead to greater muscle gains. Studies even show benefits from elongated partial reps—from full extension (lengthening/stretch of the muscle) to halfway (flexion or engaging that specific muscle parts you are training for) —contributing to increased muscle growth, these studies were performed on the hamstring, calves, and biceps. If you’re a gym goer, being flexible enough to get that deep stretch is well within your physical pursuits for increased strength and muscle mass.

(Source:PMID: 33009197, PMID: 3682832, PMID: 37015016)

What Happens If I Lack Flexibility?

Muscles that lack flexibility tend to go through a process called “Adaptive Shortening,” what happens is that your muscles and connective tissues become tight over time which can cause cramps and muscle pains. Other disadvantages of tight muscles include, but are not limited to:

●      Aching & Stiffness

●      Fatigue

●      Sleep Disturbances

●      Joint Pain

●      Muscle Tension

According to UC DAVIS Health, inflexible muscles get tired easily, therefore causing other muscles to bear the load. Muscle fatigue can lead to muscular injuries and the inability of our muscles to protect our joints from much more serious injuries. An example of this is how our hamstrings play a role in stabilizing our knees, therefore preventing ACL tears.

How Do I Implement Flexibility Training Into My Routine

Experiencing those symptoms is undoubtedly challenging, and you might be wondering, "How can I prevent muscle stiffness?" or "What can I do to improve my flexibility and avoid these issues?" Well, worry not – we've got you covered!

1. Performing dynamic stretching prior to physical activity

○      Dynamic stretching is essentially moving back and forth through your joint’s range of motion minus the pause or strain. As you progress through the movement, you should gradually increase the range of motion, stopping just shy of your limit.

○      Dynamic stretching increases muscle temperature which makes it best done before any strenuous activity.

○      Hip circles, butt kicks, leg swings, and hip openers are some examples of dynamic stretches that can be part of a great warm-up.

2. Performing static stretching after physical activity

○      Static stretching is what most people will recognize as stretching, this means to stretch a muscle/group of muscles and to hold it.

○      Some examples of static stretches are the, reclined spinal stretch, knee to chest and forward fold.

○      Due to your muscles having increased circulation after a workout, that is when you will get the most benefit of a static stretch.

3. Foam Rolling

○      It is suggested that foam rolling improves long-term flexibility when performed on a regular basis. ( > 4 weeks)

○      Foam rolling over an extended period of time (>4 weeks) has been proven to increase joint range of motion.

○      Foam rolling can be done before a workout or after. Before exercise, rolling can increase tissue elasticity, range of motion, and circulation. Post-workout foam rolling is great for recovery.

○      Foam rolling is very easily done and one muscle area won’t need more than 3 minutes. This makes it an easily doable daily routine for you to target specific areas feeling “tight.”

4. Joining A Yoga or Pilates Class

○      Group classes are great for those who need help to achieve their goals.

○      Yoga and Pilates are centered around stretching your muscles.

○      Studies have shown an increase in flexibility and balance after 10 weeks of yoga practice.

○      Pilates exercises stretch out and strengthen the muscles therefore increasing flexibility.

5. Water Aerobics

○      Water provides natural resistance, making your muscles work harder without the strain of weights or equipment.

○      Buoyancy in water reduces strain on joints, allowing for a wider range of motion.

○      Water supports your body weight, making it easier to stretch and move in ways that may be challenging on land.

○      Performing exercises in water helps to increase balance & strength on top of flexibility over time.

○      Water aerobics can improve overall mobility and range of motion through regular practice.

6. Taichi

○       Incorporates deep, diaphragmatic breathing techniques to help relax muscles and enhance flexibility.

○      Gentle, repetitive motions lubricate and strengthen joints, improving flexibility and mobility.

○      Tai Chi can be adapted for varying fitness levels and physical abilities, making it accessible for people of all ages to improve flexibility.

○      Beyond physical benefits, Tai Chi’s meditative aspect can reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve overall mental and emotional health.

Benefits of Maintaining Flexibility

Earlier in this blog, we discussed the drawbacks of lacking flexibility, which underscore the importance of gaining and maintaining it. Now, let's delve into the multitude of benefits that come with maintaining flexibility. These benefits not only enhance physical health but also contribute to overall well-being.

  1. Enhanced Range Of Motion (ROM):
    Flexibility allows joints to move freely through their full range of motion, which is crucial for activities such as sports, dance, and even everyday movements like bending or reaching. It ensures that muscles and tendons can stretch and lengthen without restrictions, promoting overall mobility and agility.

  2. Reduced Risk Of Injury:
    By improving flexibility, individuals reduce the risk of muscle strains, joint sprains, and other injuries during physical activities. For example, flexible muscles and tendons are less likely to tear or overextend, especially during sudden movements or strenuous exercise.

  3. Improved Performance:
    Athletes and fitness enthusiasts benefit greatly from flexibility as it enhances performance in their respective sports or exercise routines. For instance, increased flexibility in muscles and joints allows for more efficient movements, enhancing speed, power, and endurance.

  4. Better Posture:
    Good posture relies on the proper alignment of muscles and joints, which can be achieved through regular flexibility exercises. Improved posture not only reduces strain on the spine and joints but also contributes to a more confident and poised appearance.

  5. Relief From Muscle Tension:
    Flexibility exercises such as stretching can alleviate muscle tension and reduce stiffness. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who experience muscle tightness due to prolonged sitting or physical stress.

  6. Enhanced Blood Circulation:
    Stretching and flexibility exercises promote better blood circulation throughout the body. Improved circulation ensures that muscles receive an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients, which is essential for muscle recovery and overall cardiovascular health.

  7. Stress Relief:
    Engaging in flexibility training often includes relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and mindfulness. These practices help reduce stress levels by promoting relaxation and mental clarity during stretching sessions.

  8. Improved Functional Fitness:
    Flexibility contributes to overall functional fitness, allowing individuals to perform daily activities with greater ease and efficiency. Whether it's bending to tie shoelaces or lifting groceries, flexible muscles and joints enhance functional movements.

These benefits apply broadly to individuals from diverse backgrounds. Whether you're a frequent gym attendee, an office worker spending long hours at a desk, or an elderly person navigating daily routines, maintaining flexibility can significantly enhance comfort and ease in daily life.

What Are Some Precautions I Should Take Note Of?

As usual, anything to do with your muscles should always be done with caution and safety. These are some things to take note of so that you can make the best of your routine without hurting yourself.

●      Always make sure your muscles are warm and moved around before static stretching.

●      Stretch your muscle till you feel tightness, but do not push to extreme discomfort.

●      Stretch slowly and do not force any joint past a comfortable range of motion.

●      Maintain your breathing pattern throughout your stretching routine.

●      ALWAYS use correct stretching techniques. Ask a professional if needed.


In pursuit of your fitness goals, consistency is crucial. Just as you prioritize building muscle and reducing fat, maintaining flexibility is equally vital for your overall wellness. Flexibility not only aids in preventing injuries but also supports muscle growth by enabling deeper muscle stretches. It plays a significant role in alleviating the discomfort caused by tight muscles, ensuring a more comfortable and pain-free experience during physical activities. Applying the insights from this blog will help you enjoy safer and more enjoyable exercise routines, provided you maintain flexibility.

At FITFAMCO, we provide services such as rehab/conditioning training which can aid with your flexibility, mobility, and balance, designed for individuals who have been experiencing persistent pain in the same body area over time and have found that massages, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments or any other option haven't provided lasting relief. We also provide personal training services and nutrition coaching to aid you in your wellness journey so that you can become the best version of yourself.

Contact us today to get started on your journey to self-improvement and a healthier you!


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