Guide to Finding the Best Personal Trainer Ft.10 Tips

Finding the Best Personal Trainer in SG

How often have we considered starting our fitness journey at the gym, only to hesitate and back out? This hesitation can arise from a lack of confidence, uncertainty about using gym equipment, confusion over finding a sustainable fitness program, or simply procrastination. Let’s be honest—many of us have been there, and for good reason. It can be incredibly intimidating to begin something new without proper training, guidance, or knowledge.

The gym can feel like a bewildering and daunting place, where everyone else seems to be an expert, effortlessly knowing the names of all the machines, the correct exercises, appropriate rest periods, and even where the lockers are without any fumbling. 

This is where a personal trainer comes in. A certified personal trainer will take your basic worries away, write you a flexible training plan, teach you how to use all the machines and free weights, support your fitness journey and much more. 

Finding the right personal trainer is like choosing the right doctor for your health. Just as you need a doctor who understands your medical history, listens to your concerns, and provides a tailored treatment plan, you need a personal trainer who understands your fitness level, listens to your goals, and designs a workout program specifically for you. Both require a high level of trust, expertise, and personalised attention to ensure you achieve the best possible outcome for your health and well-being. 

We have all at some point jumped on Google and keyed in best personal trainer Singapore and jumped onto the first website that popped up. We are here to make your journey smooth and easy so here are our top 10 tips to help you in finding the perfect fitness trainer in Singapore for yourself.  

10 Tips To Finding The Best Personal Trainer

1. Certifications 

In the sea of online PT certifications, it can get confusing to the average person to decide which certificate is the most reliable and comprehensive for personal trainers in Singapore. 

Some of the most common and reliable certifications are: 

i. American Council on Exercise (ACE) 

  • Globally recognized certification

  • Emphasizes evidence-based training principles and practical knowledge

  • Supports continuous learning with a wide library of online resources

ii. National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

  • Globally recognised certification

  • Optimum Performance Training® OPT™ Model that is highly adaptable and versatile for most clients

iii. International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)

  • Globally recognized certification

  • Includes specific certifications i.e bodybuilding, powerlifting, yoga fundamentals, online coach and many more

iv. National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)

  • Updated resources and information on fitness-related science

  • Rigorous standards, evidence-based practices, and strong industry recognition.

v. Federation of International Sports, Aerobics and Fitness (FISAF) 

  • Internationally accepted certificate

  • Specialist workshops on Pilates, KickBoxing, Boot Camps, Yoga, Power Walking 

There are many contradicting claims surrounding the health and fitness industry, which you would realize if you’ve ever tried Googling for information. A great trainer will constantly read up on scientifically proven journal articles and research papers from credible sources or attend courses to keep up with the latest findings, instead of relying on websites with no proof backing the statements they claim. They attend workshops and certifications regularly to ensure their skills are up-to-date, demonstrating their dedication to their profession and your health. All PT certificates are required to be renewed every 1-2 years to ensure continuous learning. 

2. Experience

This is probably one of the most important factors, in our humble opinion, on par with certification. Generally, our rule of thumb is to work with someone who has at least five years of experience as a gym trainer or personal trainer, and ideally, some experience with group fitness classes. This way, we can be confident they have worked with a wide array of clients with various fitness backgrounds, making them versatile in prescribing the right program for us. For example, they would have encountered different kinds of injuries and know how to adjust certain movements accordingly. They would also be mindful of clients with body image issues and be able to correct form accurately.

You may be surprised, but these skills take years to develop. A great trainer can tell if it is your hip or ankle mobility that is hindering your squats from going deeper and provide specific modifications. However, do not just hold us to this point, as we have also seen trainers who claim to have decades of experience but are not truly experienced. These trainers do not continue to upgrade and grow their knowledge, or they have been surviving as a PT by giving the exact same type of training program to every client.

3. Specialization  

Finding a specialised trainer can be particularly advantageous. For instance, if you have an injury, a trainer specialising in rehabilitation would be invaluable. New mothers can benefit from a trainer with pre/postnatal certification. If you want to get a sweat in at the office gym, then perhaps an inhouse gym fitness trainer will be useful to increase overall muscle mass, size and endurance. If you prefer exercising outdoors, look for a trainer specialising in callisthenics. Those focused on improving flexibility and joint mobility might seek a Pilates or mobility-certified trainer. For increasing overall strength, a powerlifting coach would be ideal. Additionally, if your goal is to enhance cardiovascular fitness, a running or swimming coach could be the perfect fit.

4. Authentic Qualification / Scope of Work   

When selecting a gym personal trainer or fitness instructor, it's crucial to be mindful of potential pitfalls, particularly those stemming from over-promising. Be cautious if their claims exceed their expertise. For example, if you're seeking advice on sports performance and the trainer specializes in physique coaching or bodybuilding, they may lack the scientific background necessary for sports-specific training. This could lead to ineffective or even harmful training advice.

A good rule of thumb is to find a trainer who focuses on fitness coaching, emphasizes discussions about exercise and fitness, and is honest about their limitations in other areas. Another important thing to note is personal trainers, unless armed with a bachelors in nutrition, are not able to give comprehensive meal plans. For example they should not be prescribing you what to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinners, with specific macro and micronutrient breakdown. 

5. References / Testimonials 

Just like in any other industry, references, testimonials and Google reviews play a significant role in building trust with clients. Endorsements from previous clients or employers validate an individual's or business's reliability and quality of work, helping to establish credibility with potential clients. References often provide detailed, personalized insights into the trainer’s work ethic, capabilities, and performance, offering more informative feedback than general information. Certification will be one side of the coin while references and testimonials will be the other. Together they will paint a powerful picture of the trainer.  

Furthermore, we value personal trainers who not only highlight their successes but also candidly discuss their failures, turning them into learning opportunities. This humility earns our respect. A great trainer will honestly admit when they do not have an immediate answer and will follow up later with the correct information, rather than providing misleading or inaccurate responses.

6. Location / Availability

We always prioritise sustainability in all aspects of health and fitness. Exercise is crucial for building and maintaining muscle mass, joint strength, mobility, flexibility, a healthy BMI, and improving mental and emotional health (source). These are just a few of the numerous benefits of regular exercise. When considering sustainability, it's important to choose a gym, personal trainer or gym trainer conveniently located near your home or workplace. If your fitness routine involves a lengthy or complicated commute, the likelihood of falling off track increases significantly. We encourage our clients to minimise barriers to ensure a smoother, more enduring fitness and health journey. 

7. Trial session 

Not all freelance personal trainers in Singapore offer trial sessions, but these can be incredibly beneficial for both the trainer and the client. A trial session provides an opportunity to understand the trainer's style, motivational approach, and demeanor. It’s a fantastic chance to determine if you feel comfortable working with them. 

Consider the following during or before a trial session:

  • Did they conduct a detailed assessment of your fitness levels, injuries, general lifestyle barriers and your goals?

  • Do they use a one-size-fits-all approach to fitness?

  • Do they push certain exercises on you simply because they believe these are superior?

  • Can they provide modifications, regressions, or progressions based on your fitness level?

  • Are they polite and professional in their communication?

  • Are they setting the right expectations?

Be cautious if they promise immediate or short-term results, as this may indicate they plan to put you on an extreme and unsustainable program. Sustainable, well-rounded fitness programs typically take months, if not years, to implement effectively. For example, a sustainable fat loss rate is about 1 kg every 3-4 weeks, demonstrating that a 12 or 16-week program may not yield significant long-term results. A great coach recognises the importance of a humble and realistic approach to fitness. 

8. Professionalism 

You might be surprised at how often we hear horror stories about trainers' lack of professionalism. Time is essentially money, and if a trainer is consistently late or frequently cancels sessions with less than 24 hours' notice, it is a clear red flag. Of course, we understand that emergencies happen, and we are reasonable when it comes to occasional cancellations or rescheduling. However, if this becomes a pattern, it indicates a lack of respect for the client's time, money, and fitness progress. Investing in a trainer who frequently cancels or reschedules is simply not worth it.

Another significant concern is inappropriate physical touch. It’s 2024, and it’s surprising that this still needs to be addressed. A personal trainer should always ask for their client’s permission before physically adjusting their posture or form. This applies to all trainers, including female personal trainers. A competent and professional trainer should primarily use verbal cues to correct form. If physical adjustment is absolutely necessary, they must seek permission and keep the touch to a minimum. There should be no tolerance for inappropriate physical contact.

9. Compatibility 

There is a running joke in the fitness industry whereby personal trainers are also our therapists. Although this is just a joke and should not be taken seriously, we want to delve a little deeper into the compatibility between the client and their personal trainer. Your trainer should be doing so much more than just counting your reps and rest time. You should feel confident and safe with your trainer. There should be a form of camaraderie between yourself and your trainer. Interpersonal skills are a hallmark of a great personal trainer. They communicate effectively, listen to your concerns, and adapt their training methods to suit your individual needs. Their empathetic and patient nature helps build a strong trainer-client relationship based on trust and mutual respect, which is essential for your long-term success.

10. Affordability 

Finally, inflation is an ever-present reality, and we understand the importance of keeping your costs manageable, so naturally speaking personal training Singapore price will be one of our top concerns. This is why finding an affordable personal trainer in Singapore who meets some of the crucial criteria discussed earlier can be beneficial. While a cheaper personal trainer may be new to the industry and still building their reputation, they can still add significant value to your fitness journey. It’s essential to weigh the value you receive against the price you pay. Do some thorough research on personal trainer singapore rates and see if you can sit somewhere in the middle. Not everyone can afford premium rates, but also not everyone actually needs premium trainers, especially if you are very new to the gym and are looking for basics to exercising safely. 


We hope you enjoyed our comprehensive guide to finding the best personal trainer in Singapore. Ultimately, a great personal trainer is not just someone who helps you work out; they are a mentor, a motivator, and a guide on your journey to better health. Investing in a great personal trainer is an investment in your overall well-being, ensuring that you not only reach your fitness goals but also enjoy the process of becoming the best version of yourself!

At FITFAMCO, we believe in working only with the best. Discover the profiles of our personal trainers here, who meet all your criteria before joining our team.

Discover 1-1 personal trainers available island-wide NEAR YOU from FitFamco, for lasting fitness results. Schedule your consultation today!


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