8 Tips to Boost Immunity

boost immunity nutrition tips advice

Are you or your family members falling sick regularly with or without the COVID-19 virus? If that is the case, then this blog might be a perfect read-up for you. It’s all about how to boost your immunity.

The immune system can fight off diseases and act as a protective barrier to your body. Your immune system plays a vital role in defending you against disease-causing microorganisms Imagine a germ enters successfully and makes you fall sick and you complain of the symptoms. 

You might be wondering if is there any way possible to boost your immune system. What if I could improve my diet and overall lifestyle in the hope of producing a robust immune response? 

The answer is YES, we can create a strong defense system by eating the right diet and keeping an active lifestyle. This is what boost immunity meaning is all about.

How do you know if you have a weak immune system?

If you or your child frequently sneezes or coughs, or if an elderly member of your family does so, does this indicate that their immunity is questionable?

In these situations, the likelihood of contamination for an individual is fairly significant due to weak immunity, but the risk is minimal for young, healthy individuals.

As a nutritionist, I strongly advise strengthening your immune system through a strategy of good eating and healthy living to protect yourself and those close to you. Consequently, the value of a strong immune system should not be overlooked.

It's also fascinating to know that the human immune system is a fragile, intricate system and that assisting one part may harm another. 

Below are 8 tips I would like to share to help strengthen your immune system:

1. Sleep for 7 hours a day

There is evidence that sleep loss can negatively influence several immune system components, which could also contribute to the development of a wide range of ailments.

As a result, when stress levels increase, it can impact your immunity by preventing you from sleeping enough and so by keeping you up late. Because getting enough sleep is crucial for restoring an immune system.

Adequate sleep is necessary for at least 7 hrs. But keeping a fixed sleep schedule is important to sleep and wake up at the same time. 

If you have difficulty, try drinking turmeric milk or chamomile tea and avoid caffeine products before sleep. And also practice the art of 5 to 10 min of guided meditation every day before sleep.

2. Stress Management

Don't let your stress fester any longer. Focusing on the uncertainties ie only on the negative sides will impact your immune function. 

Self-care may not have any significant effects on your overall health, but it’s another way to trigger the body’s natural relaxation response. Go for it as you deserve it.

Also, whenever possible try to stay calm by taking deeper breaths by inhaling via nose holding in between for some secs, and exhaling via your mouth 2 to 3 times a day, sidewise practising the art of meditation for 10 mins regularly at the same time every day, and reading good novels might give a positive attitude towards life.

Most scientists studying the relationship between stress and immune function and further investigation is still going on for more research on whether stress has a direct impact on the immune system or not.

3. Exercise at least 5 days a week

Exercise is the best thing to do to boost your suppressed immunity system as regular physical activity for at least 20 mins helps you feel better, and energized and reduces anxiety. 

According to Harvard Health Education, regular exercise is one of the pillars of healthy living. It improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight, and protects against various diseases. Exercise can contribute to general good health and therefore to a healthy immune system.

Few types of research like the National Center for Biotechnology Information NIH like prove that those who exercise have better immunity than those who do not. But overdoing anything is not encouraged as studies show strenuous exercises (>1.5 hours) may temporarily decrease immune function.

According to HPB, the guidelines advise individuals to engage in 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week and to strengthen their muscles, bones, and joints by engaging in a variety of activities on at least two days per week. 

Recreational activities like jogging, swimming, and playing racquet sports can assist individuals in staying active by working out various muscle groups. 

Beyond leisure time, the recommendations provide strategies to incorporate physical activity into a person's daily schedule, such as performing housework, taking the stairs rather than the elevator, and actively traveling. 

A new suggestion for older persons is to engage in multi-component physical activity with an emphasis on strength and functional balance at least three days a week at a moderate or higher intensity.

Moderate-intensity aerobic activity causes a noticeable increase in breathing and heart rate. For instance, adults should still be able to talk but do not have enough breath to sing while engaging in brisk walking at low-impact aerobics at 5-7 km/h, dancing, etc. 

A vigorous-intensity aerobic activity causes a large increase in breathing and heart rate. For instance, adults should still be able to say a few words but are not out of breath while engaging in jogging, swimming, etc.

HPB recommends that seniors who are 50 years and above take part in strength and balance exercises at least twice a week, in addition to 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week. Remember that exercise is one of the pillars of healthy living as it will benefit your cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, helps manage body weight, etc.

Beginners, can start small, maybe with a 10-15 minute brisk walk in your local nearby area, and then slowly steadily increase the pace day after day. Also in addition try to involve in any sort of physical activities that you enjoy doing in your free time.

If you want to learn more about what kind of snack you can eat before starting your workout, read our blog "Pre-Workout Nutrition - 20 Snack Ideas Included."

4. Eat anti-inflammatory foods

The immune system gets activated when your body identifies foreign invaders like an invading microbe, virus, bacteria, plant pollen, etc. 

This often triggers a process called inflammation. Repeated inflammation in the body leads to a variety of diseases and health complications.

Intermittent bouts of inflammation directed at truly threatening invaders protect your health. A powerful way to combat inflammation is by incorporating anti-inflammatory foods.

For example:

Refined cereals, sugar and beverages, refined vegetable oils, and alcohol tend to be inflammatory foods causing inflammation also weakening the immune system. It can be really helpful to remove these inflammatory foods and start incorporating anti-inflammatory foods like seeds, legumes, tomatoes, olive oil, green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and collards, nuts like almonds and walnuts, fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines, fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges.

5. Make sure you eat enough protein

A deficiency of dietary protein is known to impair immune function and increase susceptibility to infectious disease. This is particularly important for those with an autoimmune disease, where the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own cells.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is required.

It's quite informative to know that an important role for amino acids in immune responses is the activation of T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, natural killer cells, and macrophages and the production of cytokines. You must know that not enough protein in the body can have harmful effects on the body.

Start incorporating:

  • Fish

  • Poultry

  • Lean beef or pork (in limited amounts)

  • Tofu

  • Eggs

  • Dairy products:

  • Nuts

  • Seeds

  • Legumes, like beans, peas, lentils

  • Grains, like wheat, rice, or corn

6. Rely on more whole plant-based foods

By scavenging unstable substances called free radicals, which can trigger inflammation when they accumulate in your body in large quantities, antioxidants in these plant-based meals assist in reducing inflammation.

Numerous health issues, including heart disease, Alzheimer's, and several malignancies, are associated with chronic inflammation.

Plant meals contain fibre, which nourishes your gut microbiota. This can boost your immunity and prevent harmful germs from entering your body through your digestive tract.

Vitamin C, which is abundant in fruits and vegetables, may shorten the duration of the common cold. This is one of the many ways to boost immunity.

Sources are:

  • Starchy vegetables: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc. 

  • Whole grains: Brown rice, rolled oats, farro, quinoa, brown rice pasta, barley, etc

  • Fruits: Berries, citrus fruits, pineapple, bananas, etc.

  •  Vegetables: Kale, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, asparagus, peppers, etc. 

7. Eat Immunity-boosting Foods

To boost immunity, you can eat immunity-supporting foods like a good amount of citrus fruits, garlic, ginger, broccoli, and spinach. If your immune system is already weak, it can also be helpful to supplement with key vitamins for the immune system like vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin D, and zinc. To increase your immunity, consuming vitamins for the immune system is important. Vitamins and the immune system are closely linked.

Role of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is said to help in preventing the common cold. Also, this vitamin can help to maintain healthy skin that provides a barrier to germs and other harmful invaders. Please start incorporating citrus fruits like kiwi, lemon, guava, grapefruit, and vegetables such as cauliflower, bell peppers, etc.

Role of Vitamin D

High amounts of vitamin D are now being consumed by people to increase immunity. But is this working? 

A study of 25 trials indicated that taking a Vitamin D supplement seems to have a preventive effect against respiratory tract infections in most patients. 

Therefore, it's crucial to start including fatty fish, like salmon, into your diet that has been supplemented with vitamin D, as well as dairy products, orange juice, soy milk, cereals, and cheese, to improve your general health. To reap the greatest benefits, try to spend at least 15 minutes each day between 11 am and 3 pm in enough sunlight.

Role of Zinc

Zinc is involved in the white blood cell response to all infections. People who are deficient in zinc are more prone to getting colds, flu, and other viruses. Start incorporating taking good quality Zinc rich sources like chicken, mushrooms, lentils,whole-grain foods, nuts, legumes, dark chocolate, etc.

Role of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 supports different biochemical reactions in the body that assist your body in fighting off infections. Sources include salmon, tuna, pistachios, sunflower and sesame seeds, avocados and whole grains.

Role of Probiotics

The digestive tract needs probiotics to remain effective. Pathogens are less likely to enter the bloodstream when the gut is healthy. Sauerkraut, sour pickles, organic natural yoghurt, kefir, dark chocolate, and live and active culture are all excellent sources of probiotics.

Do you know that miso, a fermented soybean product, is a rich source of probiotics? Probiotics are "good" bacteria that are also present in yoghurt, some other fermented foods, and your gut.

8. Limit alcohol intake, increase your water intake

People start drinking as a stress-reduction strategy and it becomes a habit. While mindfulness practices like walking and meditation are probably healthier ways to cope, for some people those methods are insufficient, so they turn to alcohol for comfort.

Also keep in mind that drinking too much alcohol will dehydrate you, which can induce headaches and impair your physical stamina, concentration, mood, immunity, and other functions.

High levels of alcohol intake and their impact on immunological responses have been the subject of research and discussion among scientists.

Once more, moderate alcohol use appears to have a positive effect on the immune system.

It's always a good idea to follow the healthy recommendations, which state that people of legal drinking age should limit their alcohol consumption to no more than two drinks each day.

To prevent dehydration, you should drink adequate fluid daily (around 10 glasses (at least) and don't forget to check the colour of your urine.

By adopting the greatest health habits we can, let's be proactive in preparing for the upcoming flu season.

  • Fully utilising the My Healthy Plate method to prepare balanced meals

  • Choosing healthier meals to eat Symbol

  • Prioritising seven to eight hours of quality sleep

  • Take steps to control your stress.

  • Putting limitations on drinking or quitting smoking.

  • Engaging in a light to moderate form of exercise five to six days a week that you love.

  • Engage in mindfulness.

”The more actions we take to keep ourselves generally healthy, the better.”

I hope this blog helps you understand how to boost immunity and improve your immune system. Remember, a strong immune system is your best defense against diseases. Stay healthy!

DISCLAIMER. This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

If you need more personalised dietary and lifestyle advice, you can reach out to us here.


  • Harvard Health Edu.How to boost your immune system. 2021


  • Health Promotion Board. Singapore’s physical activity guidelines revised to tackle sedentarism and promote variation in physical activity.2022


  • Health Hub Singapore.Healthy Living: Ways to Live Healthy and Stay Healthy.2022


  • https://www.doi.org/. Can supplementation of vitamins and minerals boost the effectiveness of recombinant human erythropoietin therapy.2002


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