Making Healthier Food Choices at Nearby Hawker Centres
Nutrition Namra Bano Barakat Nutrition Namra Bano Barakat

Making Healthier Food Choices at Nearby Hawker Centres

Hawker food in Singapore is known for being delicious, affordable, and convenient. However, some hawker dishes can be high in calories, fat, and sodium, which can contribute to health problems if consumed in excess. Choosing healthier options is important for maintaining a balanced diet and promoting overall health during your lunch break or while dining out.

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Ramadan Wellness: Practical Exercise & Nutrition Tips
Nutrition, exercise Namra Bano Barakat Nutrition, exercise Namra Bano Barakat

Ramadan Wellness: Practical Exercise & Nutrition Tips

Ramadan holds profound significance as a celebratory month for Muslims worldwide. This period is dedicated to fasting, prayers, reflections, expressions of gratitude, and community engagement. Fasting spans from dawn to dusk, with a central focus on spiritual priorities. However, it is equally crucial not to overlook the importance of maintaining physical health. A robust physical well-being not only facilitates smoother fasting but also enhances the quality of prayers and promotes better concentration in the regular activities of daily life. Continue to read to discover exercise and nutrition tips during Ramadan.

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5 Hacks to Prevent Overeating This CNY
Nutrition Namra Bano Barakat Nutrition Namra Bano Barakat

5 Hacks to Prevent Overeating This CNY

Chinese New Year is approaching fast, and as the festive season rolls in, many of us tend to abandon our usual healthy eating habits. After all, it's just once a year, isn't it? However, if we reflect on it, celebrations like Hari Raya, Christmas, Deepavali, Good Friday, National Day, New Year’s Eve, birthdays, and anniversaries are also annual events. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could break the pattern of indulging before and restarting our healthy routines after each holiday? Equip yourself with accurate, evidence-based health and nutrition tips to sidestep disappointment and maintain your well-being during the holidays.

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Nourishing Minds: 5 Foods that Boost Mental Wellbeing
Mental Wellbeing, Nutrition Guest User Mental Wellbeing, Nutrition Guest User

Nourishing Minds: 5 Foods that Boost Mental Wellbeing

Did you know that there is a relationship between the food that we eat and mental health? 

The nutrients we consume play a crucial role in supporting brain function, regulating mood, and influencing neurotransmitter production. While there is no magic food that can instantly improve mental health, certain foods can provide essential nutrients that support brain function and promote a positive mood. 

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Hypothyroid Diet Strategies For Weight Loss
Nutrition Nutrition

Hypothyroid Diet Strategies For Weight Loss

Are you dealing with thyroid problems and having difficulty managing your weight or diet? The thyroid gland, shaped like a butterfly and located in the front of the neck, regulates metabolism. If it isn't functioning properly, you might begin to gain weight. Here are some tips to help you manage your thyroid and maintain a healthy weight.

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A Guide to Making Healthier Choices When Eating Out in Singapore
Nutrition Nutrition

A Guide to Making Healthier Choices When Eating Out in Singapore

Making healthier food choices before eating out is important for several reasons. Firstly, eating out can be a source of excessive calorie intake, which can lead to weight gain and other health issues. Choosing healthier options can help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Secondly, many restaurant dishes are high in sodium, saturated fat, and added sugars, which can also contribute to health problems. By choosing healthier options, you can reduce your intake of these harmful substances and improve your overall health. Lastly, making healthier food choices before eating out can help you feel better physically and mentally. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains can improve your energy levels, mood, and overall sense of well-being.

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PCOS Awareness Month: How Exercise & Nutrition Affect PCOS
Nutrition Nutrition

PCOS Awareness Month: How Exercise & Nutrition Affect PCOS

The month of September is recognized as International PCOS Awareness Month. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition causing hormonal problems that is common among women of reproductive age. It describes where small cysts (fluid-filled sacs) appear on the ovaries.  These follicles that surround the eggs cause the ovaries fail to release eggs regularly.

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