Importance of Physical Activity at Work

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The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults between the ages of 18 and 64 engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. As an employer of choice, you may not have a responsibility to ensure your employees stick to this guideline, but there are business advantages you can look forward to when you encourage at least 30 minutes of physical activity in your employees’ work day.

Physical and mental benefits for your employees

When we consider the value of exercise, we usually focus on its physical benefits but rarely connect it to overall wellbeing. Over the last decade, social scientists have accumulated compelling evidence suggesting that regular workout routines also greatly affect the way we think. Some of these include:

  • Improved thinking, learning, and decision-making abilities

  • Healthy growth and development in younger people

  • Increased concentration 

  • Lowered stress levels, contributing to mental wellness in the workplace

The Importance of Employee Wellbeing

Employee wellbeing is a broad concept that encompasses various aspects of an employee’s life, including their physical health, mental health, and overall quality of life. It is a holistic approach that recognizes that employees are not just workers, but individuals with unique needs and challenges. By promoting employee wellbeing, companies can create a more positive and productive work environment.

What a healthy body and mind can do for your business

While the immediate benefits may look small, their overall impact can make a difference in your bottom line. After encouraging physical activities in the workplace, you may notice that your employees are:

  • Less likely to miss work due to illness, lowering the cost of absenteeism for your company

  • More motivated to contribute as part of a productive team

  • Inspired to build healthy working relationships with coworkers, especially if the way you implement physical activity in the workplace involves team-building exercises

Team Bonding Activities and Their Impact

Team bonding activities are a great way to foster a sense of camaraderie and unity among employees. These activities can range from simple ice-breaker games to more complex team-building exercises. They can be done in person or virtually, making them a versatile tool for promoting employee wellbeing.

How can you promote physical activity at work?

Here are some strategies you can implement to ensure that your team meets their daily movement targets and gets some exercise during the day.

  • Organize and encourage team bonding activities (e.g. National Steps Coporate Challenge)

  • Offer regular team fitness classes as part of your employee wellness programs (e.g. Group Pilates). For more ideas on fitness classes, please visit our page here.

  • Include office gym facilities as an employee benefit

Virtual Team Building Activities

In today's world, where remote work is becoming increasingly common, virtual team-building activities have become an essential part of many corporate wellness programs. These activities can range from virtual coffee breaks to online games and challenges. They provide a platform for employees to interact and bond with each other, even when they are physically apart.

Corporate Wellness Programs are becoming increasingly popular as companies recognize the importance of wellbeing in the workplace. These programs can range from providing healthy snacks in the office to organizing group fitness classes. By investing in your employees’ health, you’re not only improving their quality of life but also boosting productivity and morale in the office. So, consider implementing a corporate wellness program in your company today!

Whatever you choose, framing it as part of their job makes it much easier to find time for it. If you’re still unsure what’s the right solution for your business, we can help!

Simply fill in the form below and we’ll reach out to help you implement programs for health and wellness in your workplace.


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