Importance of Physical Activity at Work
Not sure how to kick start your employee programs? Start with physical activities! This will allow your employees to see the benefits of the wellness programs given to them, and also improves their mental health. Read more on how physical activities can help with your employees' health.

7 Meaningful Ways to Spend Your Wellness Stipend from Work
Employee benefits are a factor in whether or not an employee accepts a job offer aside from salary. Benefits allow employees to set monthly benefit limits, giving them complete control over the cost of their benefits based on their wants and needs. Stipends can be given to employees in a variety of ways. But where do you even begin? This is the ultimate list for you to enjoy your employee stipend.

6 Problems With Virtual Fitness Classes And Solutions
Technology solves problems but also has its issues as well. With our experience conducting virtual health programs, these are our solutions to provide the best services for our clients.

Can We Still Exercise During COVID-19?
The answer is YES. Most of us are afraid of catching the virus and besides washing our hands regularly and practising good personal hygiene, boosting our immune system can also reduce our likeliness to fall sick. This includes resting well, eating a healthy diet (does not include packets of instant noodles and canned foods), and exercising regularly.
If you are not sick, there is no reason why you should stop exercising. Besides doing a home workout, here are some helpful tips to keep yourself safe when exercising in public/shared spaces.

3 Qigong Exercises For Better Health And Rest
In our previous post, we mentioned the benefits of qigong. (Read: Is Qigong Only For The Elderly?) This time, our qigong specialist is back to teach you 3 beginner-friendly exercises you can do to achieve better health and rest. Step by step instructions are listed and a short audio clip for progressive muscle relaxation is also included for you to follow along!

Top 5 Stretches To Do At Your Desk
You worked so hard from Monday to Friday 9 to 6, received your hard earned salary at the end of the month but ended up spending it to fix your aches and pain caused by the long hours of bad posture and muscle tightness caused at your desk. Is it worth it? Here are the top 5 stretches you can do at your desk to help prevent your hard earned money flying to the masseuse or TCM.

How Piloxing Changed Nana's Life
We all feel uncomfortable when we step out of our comfort zone and try something new. However, this is also when we are far from our element and get to experience and learn the most. Remember that one time when you were pleasantly surprised by something you tried out and even found yourself liking it?
Same applies to trying out new fitness classes.

What Type Of Fitness Classes Are Best For You?
With a huge variety of fitness classes offered now, we are spoilt for choices. We know that it can be quite overwhelming to choose what type of classes to attend first or by which order is best for beginners. Using four popular fitness classes as an example, I am going to share with you how to categorize them and what will benefit you depending on your fitness goals and fitness level.

Is Qigong Only For The Elderly?
The first thing that pops into your mind when you hear “qigong” is most likely a group of elderly folks gathered together in a park or a community center. However, is qigong only suitable for the older population? Doing qigong is similar to installing an upgraded engine. Our physical and sporting performance can be improved and we will become stronger. What other benefits can we get from doing qigong?

3 Benefits Of Exercising For Your Employees
Exercise has proven to improve productivity, reduce chances of falling sick, reduce stress and increase feelings of happiness. Companies can sign up for our corporate health programs and utilise available fundings to get their employees to stay active and healthy.
5 Reasons Why People Don't Work Out
Have you ever wondered why you could never maintain your workout lifestyle or what may be affecting you to not work out even though you know it’s important? We have listed 5 common excuses for not exercising and our solutions on how to overcome them.