Exercises You Can Do While Spring Cleaning

exercise spring cleaning singapore

Chinese New Year is just around the corner and most of us are scrambling to prepare for the festive season in time. Besides buying decorations and yummy traditional snacks for our guests, another significant item on our To-Do List is the dreaded spring cleaning.

However, as much as we wish we could have special powers to help us with spring cleaning, it might not be that bad. During this period, we are busy with preparations and may be pressed for time. Besides just removing dust and getting rid of clutter, we can think of it as an exercise session or a mini-fitness program. Burn calories and tone your muscles while doing your chores. There’s no need to wait until after Chinese New Year to start your fitness journey!

Moving Heavy Items

Your safety is most important. Often, back injuries occur when lifting heavy items especially in big clean-up sessions like spring cleaning. Remember to lift them like you’re doing your deadlifts. Keep your back straight and bend at your hips and knees instead of bending from your back.

Exercise Program #1

Step 1: Lift the item and hold for 10 seconds

Step 2: Lift the item and do a farmer’s walk from one room to another (take at least 10 steps)

Repeat for at least 5 sets.

Main muscles involved: Shoulders, arms, legs, upper back, core

Difficulty level: ★★☆☆☆

Window Cleaning

Use both your hands to wipe for increased efficiency and aim to execute large circular movements. Do a reverse lunge to reach the lower areas and step up onto a chair (always check for safety first!) to reach the higher parts. Fingers crossed, and hopefully, it will not rain over the next few days!

Exercise Program #2

Step 1: Clockwise shoulder rotations as fast as possible for 20 seconds

Step 2: Anti-clockwise shoulder rotations as fast as possible for 20 seconds

Step 3: Reverse lunge for 10 repetitions while cleaning at the same time

Step 4: Step up onto a stable chair for 10 repetitions while cleaning

Repeat steps 1 to 4. The number of sets depends on the number of windows in your house.

Main muscles involved: Shoulders, arms, legs

Difficulty level: ★★★☆☆

Cleaning the carpets and floor

Vacuuming or mopping the floor can be a boring task but you can spice up the chore while burning those calories at the same time. You’ll definitely break a sweat. Try switching hands to get the most out of the exercise.

Exercise Program #3


Step 1: Forward lunge for 10 repetitions

Step 2: Take a break and do 10 push-ups

Step 3: Squat and step forward for 10 repetitions

Repeat step 1 to step 3 until you’re done vacuuming.

Bonus: If you have energy left to spare, you can dance along to the music too!


Step 1: Mop side to side by turning at your waist, reaching as far as you can for 30 seconds

Step 2: Do 30 seconds assisted side plank on a dry unmopped area

Step 3: Continue mopping side to side for 30 seconds

Step 4: Do 30 seconds reverse table-tops on a dry unmopped area

Repeat steps 1 to 4 until you’re done mopping.

Main muscles involved: Legs, arms, core

Difficulty level: ★★★☆☆

Organizing and Decluttering

Another aspect of spring cleaning is organizing and decluttering your living spaces. This can be a therapeutic activity and can significantly reduce stress. Start by categorizing items into what to keep, donate, or discard. As you sort through your belongings, you’ll be moving around a lot, which also counts as a workout.

Exercise Program #4

Step 1: Pick up an item, squat down to place it in the correct pile

Step 2: Stand up and stretch to reach higher shelves or storage spaces

Step 3: Hold a plank position for 30 seconds as a break

Repeat the sequence until you've sorted through all your items.

Main muscles involved: Legs, arms, core, shoulders

Difficulty level: ★★☆☆☆

Outdoor Cleaning

If you have a garden or outdoor area, cleaning it can be a great way to enjoy fresh air while getting some exercise. Raking leaves, trimming plants, and sweeping the patio can all provide a good workout.

Exercise Program #5

Step 1: Rake leaves using long strokes for 2 minutes

Step 2: Do 15 tricep dips on a sturdy garden bench

Step 3: Sweep the patio for 2 minutes

Step 4: Do 10 step-ups on a stable surface

Repeat Steps 1 to 4 for a full outdoor workout session.

Main muscles involved: Arms, legs, core, back

Difficulty level: ★★★☆☆

Of course there are many other chores at home waiting to be done. Keep it up and work those muscles! Remember to always do them safely. Share these few tips with your family and friends these few tips to spice up their spring cleaning too.

With these tips, not only will your home be spotless for the New Year, but you'll also kickstart your fitness journey in a fun and practical way. Happy cleaning and have a fantastic Chinese New Year!

If you’re looking for more personalized guidance, our personal training services are designed to fit your unique needs. To continue your workout routine sustainably throughout the year, contact us for a free consultation so we can plan a customized fitness program suitable for you and your lifestyle.


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