5 Simple Exercises You Can Do During Pregnancy
Why are mothers-to-be encouraged to exercise when pregnant? What exercises can they do and at what intensity and frequency? Our prenatal personal trainer has listed down 5 simple exercises that you can do when pregnant, be it in the first, second, or third trimester.

The Full Collection: Discussions About Health & Fitness Topics
Home workouts and running outdoors have become a new norm during this circuit breaker. However, not everyone has adequate information to plan and execute their own workout routine effectively. Therefore, our live talk show, SFFseries, will be a reliable avenue for viewers to gain knowledge and learn practical habits which can be applied to their daily lives.

How To Plan Your Own Exercise Routine?
We have seen many people turning to the internet for workout videos and programmes, or simply heading to the park for a jog since the start of the circuit breaker. However, most people were unable to see any more improvements after exercising for a few weeks and have lost motivation. Here are 3 simple tips that can help you get back on track and give yourself a sense of empowerment by planning your own exercise routine!

The Ultimate List Of Stretches: WFH Edition
To prevent muscle tightness and pain, as well as feeling lethargic due to prolonged sitting and inactivity, follow along to our short 15-min stretching videos to rejuvenate yourselves and take a break from work.
This is a compilation of all the stretches you can do easily when working from home (or at the office when the circuit breaker ends).

Can We Still Exercise During COVID-19?
The answer is YES. Most of us are afraid of catching the virus and besides washing our hands regularly and practising good personal hygiene, boosting our immune system can also reduce our likeliness to fall sick. This includes resting well, eating a healthy diet (does not include packets of instant noodles and canned foods), and exercising regularly.
If you are not sick, there is no reason why you should stop exercising. Besides doing a home workout, here are some helpful tips to keep yourself safe when exercising in public/shared spaces.

Exercises You Can Do While Spring Cleaning
As much as we wish that we could have special powers to help us with spring cleaning, it might not be that bad. During this period, we are busy with preparations and may be pressed for time. Other than just removing dust and getting rid of clutter, we can think of it as clocking in an exercise session as well. Burn calories and tone your muscles while doing your chores. No need to wait till after Chinese New Year to start your fitness journey!

3 Dumbbell Exercises for a Perkier Butt
Most of us dream of having a peach bum and have the impression that it is hard to attain. However, our buttocks are actually made up of a group of gluteal muscles (one of the largest muscles in the lower body). Similar to other muscles in your body, these muscles require training in order to grow and be firm.

Top 5 Stretches To Do At Your Desk
You worked so hard from Monday to Friday 9 to 6, received your hard earned salary at the end of the month but ended up spending it to fix your aches and pain caused by the long hours of bad posture and muscle tightness caused at your desk. Is it worth it? Here are the top 5 stretches you can do at your desk to help prevent your hard earned money flying to the masseuse or TCM.

Exercise Equipment For Beginners
Just started your fitness journey but found the gym too intimidating? Don’t worry, you can begin with these equipment as you build up on both your fitness and confidence level. Read more to find out!

Home Workout Targeting All Your Major Muscles
Here are 5 beginner-friendly exercises you can do at home to build on the foundation movement and learn how to activate your major muscles (chest, legs, core, back). We will share with you what are the common “but I feel this muscle leh" and where are the places you are actually supposed to feel. Have you been doing your basics right?
5 Reasons Why People Don't Work Out
Have you ever wondered why you could never maintain your workout lifestyle or what may be affecting you to not work out even though you know it’s important? We have listed 5 common excuses for not exercising and our solutions on how to overcome them.