Ramadan Wellness: Practical Exercise & Nutrition Tips
Exercise, Nutrition Namra Bano Barakat Exercise, Nutrition Namra Bano Barakat

Ramadan Wellness: Practical Exercise & Nutrition Tips

Ramadan holds profound significance as a celebratory month for Muslims worldwide. This period is dedicated to fasting, prayers, reflections, expressions of gratitude, and community engagement. Fasting spans from dawn to dusk, with a central focus on spiritual priorities. However, it is equally crucial not to overlook the importance of maintaining physical health. A robust physical well-being not only facilitates smoother fasting but also enhances the quality of prayers and promotes better concentration in the regular activities of daily life. Continue to read to discover exercise and nutrition tips during Ramadan.

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7 Exercise & Nutrition Tips When Fasting During Ramadan

7 Exercise & Nutrition Tips When Fasting During Ramadan

The fasting month has begun and here are some simple tips you can follow if you wish to stay healthy and fit during Ramadan. Find out when is a good time and intensity to exercise during Ramadan, what foods to eat or avoid, and what to do if you are not hitting your goals.

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