How To Plan Your Own Exercise Routine?
We have seen many people turning to the internet for workout videos and programmes, or simply heading to the park for a jog since the start of the circuit breaker. However, most people were unable to see any more improvements after exercising for a few weeks and have lost motivation. Here are 3 simple tips that can help you get back on track and give yourself a sense of empowerment by planning your own exercise routine!

The Ultimate List Of Stretches: WFH Edition
To prevent muscle tightness and pain, as well as feeling lethargic due to prolonged sitting and inactivity, follow along to our short 15-min stretching videos to rejuvenate yourselves and take a break from work.
This is a compilation of all the stretches you can do easily when working from home (or at the office when the circuit breaker ends).

How To Differentiate A Good Trainer From A Great One?
Here comes the big question: How do I know if he/she is “The One”?
Of course, I’m referring to Personal Trainers (PTs). There are hundreds of PTs in Singapore which makes it hard for us to choose from. Besides stating the obvious (trainer has to be qualified), how do you make sure that the trainer you are paying for is better than the rest?

3 Qigong Exercises For Better Health And Rest
In our previous post, we mentioned the benefits of qigong. (Read: Is Qigong Only For The Elderly?) This time, our qigong specialist is back to teach you 3 beginner-friendly exercises you can do to achieve better health and rest. Step by step instructions are listed and a short audio clip for progressive muscle relaxation is also included for you to follow along!

Top 5 Stretches To Do At Your Desk
You worked so hard from Monday to Friday 9 to 6, received your hard earned salary at the end of the month but ended up spending it to fix your aches and pain caused by the long hours of bad posture and muscle tightness caused at your desk. Is it worth it? Here are the top 5 stretches you can do at your desk to help prevent your hard earned money flying to the masseuse or TCM.