How To Differentiate A Good Trainer From A Great One?

personal trainer singapore

Here comes the big question.

How do I know if he/she is “The One”?

Of course, I’m referring to personal trainers. There are hundreds of freelance trainers in Singapore which makes it hard for us to choose from. Besides stating the obvious (has to be a certified personal trainer), how do you make sure that the fitness coach you are paying for is qualified and better than the rest?

Characteristics of a good personal trainer

1. Able to get the job done

Yes, you are able to achieve your goal with personal training, but that’s it. A transactional relationship. You pay the fitness trainer to train you, and they train you to get paid. However, in this day and age, expectations have increased. Is that really enough?

Characteristics of a GREAT personal trainer

1. Admits it when he/she does not have the answers to your questions

No one has all the answers. We are all humans with a limited capacity for knowledge no matter how many years of experience. When unable to provide an answer at the point in time, a great trainer will not bullshit his/her way through but will get back to you at a later time, which leads me to point #2.

2. Constantly upgrades him/herself with new knowledge & skills

There are many contradicting claims surrounding the health and fitness industry, which you would realize if you’ve ever tried Googling for information. A great trainer will constantly read up on scientifically proven journal articles and research papers from credible sources or attend courses to keep up with the latest findings, instead of relying on websites with no proof backing the statements they claim. They attend workshops and certifications regularly to ensure their skills are up-to-date, demonstrating their dedication to their profession and your health.

3. Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are a hallmark of a great personal trainer. They communicate effectively, listen to your concerns, and adapt their training methods to suit your individual needs. Their empathetic and patient nature helps build a strong trainer-client relationship based on trust and mutual respect, which is essential for your long-term success.

4. Motivates and celebrates minor milestones with you

Besides working towards your goal, a great trainer will acknowledge your efforts and other smaller milestones achieved. Here’s a simple example, your goal is to lose 5kg. A good trainer will push you to lose the remaining 2kg, but a great trainer will celebrate your ability to keep the initial 3kg lost consistently. They will also point out your ability to cope with higher intensity workouts, such as completing exercises with higher repetitions. This encouragement can motivate you to find new goals after you’ve met your initial one, such as becoming stronger or more flexible.

5. Value-adds the sessions by explaining the rationale behind the exercises

I know of friends who “just do whatever the personal trainer tells me to do” without understanding why. A great trainer will explain the reason for doing the type of exercises prescribed as well as the volume of the workouts (resistance, number of repetitions/sets, duration of rest). This allows you to be equipped with the knowledge on why you are doing certain exercises and why sometimes more reps/resistance is increased or decreased. This also enables you to look forward to the next session and see improvements, allowing you to stick to the planned training program consistently. Understanding the purpose behind each exercise can also help you become more engaged and committed to your fitness routine.

6. Cares about your general well-being

Last but not least, a great trainer is concerned about your overall health. Flexibility, mobility, balance and strength are a few of the important aspects that prevent injuries and falls. A great trainer will incorporate exercises targeting these into your exercise program and will also provide you with a variety of workout programs that are tailored to your specific needs and goals. These programs can help you stay motivated and engaged, making your fitness journey more enjoyable and effective.

7. Creates a positive and supportive training environment

Another valuable trait of a great personal trainer is their ability to foster a sense of community and camaraderie, making your training sessions enjoyable and something to look forward to. This positive atmosphere can be incredibly motivating, helping you stay committed to your fitness goals even during tough times.

Ultimately, a great personal trainer is not just someone who helps you work out; they are a mentor, a motivator, and a guide on your journey to better health. They inspire you to push beyond your limits, celebrate your achievements, and support you through setbacks. Investing in a great personal trainer is an investment in your overall well-being, ensuring that you not only reach your fitness goals but also enjoy the process of becoming the best version of yourself!

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