5 Hacks to Prevent Overeating This CNY

hacks tips to prevent overeating CNY

4 minute read

Chinese New Year is approaching fast, and as the festive season rolls in, many of us tend to abandon our usual healthy eating habits. After all, it's just once a year, isn't it? However, if we reflect on it, celebrations like Hari Raya, Christmas, Deepavali, Good Friday, National Day, New Year’s Eve, birthdays, and anniversaries are also annual events. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could break the pattern of indulging before and restarting our healthy routines after each holiday? 

Equip yourself with accurate, evidence-based health and nutrition tips to sidestep disappointment and maintain your well-being during the holidays. 

Here are 5 effortless tips to continue your healthy nutrition habits during CNY (or any other holiday for that matter) 

Tip 1: Approach Gatherings with Friends and Family on a Satisfied Stomach

Contrary to popular belief, indulging in a quick, healthy, and fibrous snack before your visit can prevent you from devouring everything in sight like a hungry lion that hasn’t seen fresh meat in 24 hours. Consider opting for a convenient, high-protein, high-fibre snack or even a quick fruit before heading to your family's place. This strategy not only promotes self-control but also allows you to relish the festive treats in moderation.

Tip 2: Revamp Your CNY Feast for Healthier Celebrations

If you're hosting this CNY, consider putting a nutritious spin on traditional dishes. Choose to lead by example. Opt for baked or air-fried spring rolls instead of fried to cut down on fat content. Here is a recipe we found for you to try this year (head straight to the air frying method) Choose to boil or steam dumplings, and pair them with lower-sodium dipping sauces. Swap out fatty cuts of meat for lean ones (think skinless chicken, white fish, tofu, tenderloins) Incorporate more soups, fresh fruits, and vegetables into your spread, keeping constipation at bay! The same tips apply if your family chooses to do a potluck. You can even have healthier themes or turn it into a game, to encourage everyone to participate. 


Tip 3: Plain water is king, but so are Nutri Grade A and B drinks! 

With the official introduction of the Nutri-Grade scheme by HPB, it's a fantastic opportunity to focus on our liquid calorie intake. Take a step back from sugary drinks and make a conscious shift towards plain water and lower calorie drinks. Not only does this choice alleviate the thirst induced by high-sugar and high-sodium foods, but it also ensures ongoing hydration, contributing to a sense of satisfaction. However, we understand that not all of us are keen on drinking simply plain water during the festive season. So if plain water is not the best option, let’s prioritise drinks that are Grades A and B only. Here is a resource by Health Hub to help you make better choices.  Our favourite picks are Ayataka Japanese Green Tea and Coke Zero. Have fun without cutting out life’s little joys. 

Tip 4: Control your portion

Enhance your portion control skills with these valuable tips. When indulging in a hot pot dinner, consider portioning out your food items separately rather than haphazardly grabbing items as you go. This tactic will prevent overeating. Additionally, refrain from finishing the soup and exercise moderation with grilled meats that often carry a heavy oil content. Lastly, opt for a smaller plate or bowl to naturally curb portion sizes. This applies to snacks too by the way. Yes, we are looking at all of you pineapple tart and peanut lovers! Let’s keep to 1 small snack plate or 1 palm of nuts per house. Implementing these strategies can contribute to a more mindful and balanced approach to your meals. 

As you navigate through the celebrations, remember the importance of incorporating the right eating habits and embracing a balanced diet that includes food that's healthy. By doing so, you not only nourish your body but also nurture your overall well-being. If you're interested in further strategies on how to avoid poor and excessive eating during social gatherings, be sure to check out our blog post, “How Can We Avoid Overeating During Social Gatherings.


Tip 5: Indulge Mindfully: Balance Enjoyment and Nutrition

Resist the urge to deprive yourself of the delectable offerings during Chinese New Year celebrations. Food is a source of joy and connection, meant to be relished in the company of friends and family. While maintaining physical well-being is crucial, CNY is not the ideal occasion to embark on a new diet. Not only is it likely to be unsustainable, but it can also take a toll on your mental and emotional well-being. Embrace the festivities with love and joy, savouring the special moments without unnecessary dietary restrictions. 

For those on a weight loss journey or managing a calorie deficit, these tips can be particularly useful during festive seasons. Overeaters may find it challenging to stick to healthy food choices and snacks. Remember, small changes can lead to significant progress on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.


We trust that you've discovered actionable and beneficial tips to maintain a balanced approach to nutrition during this festive season. Our aim is never to advocate for restriction but to promote a harmonious balance. May your Lunar New Year, the Year of the Dragon, be filled with joy, prosperity, and well-nourished moments! 

Consult with our in-house nutritionist to know more about your diet and have a personalised meal plan to achieve your overall well-being!


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