The Ultimate List Of Stretches: WFH Edition
exercise exercise

The Ultimate List Of Stretches: WFH Edition

To prevent muscle tightness and pain, as well as feeling lethargic due to prolonged sitting and inactivity, follow along to our short 15-min stretching videos to rejuvenate yourselves and take a break from work.

This is a compilation of all the stretches you can do easily when working from home (or at the office when the circuit breaker ends).

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Top 5 Stretches To Do At Your Desk

Top 5 Stretches To Do At Your Desk

You worked so hard from Monday to Friday 9 to 6, received your hard earned salary at the end of the month but ended up spending it to fix your aches and pain caused by the long hours of bad posture and muscle tightness caused at your desk. Is it worth it? Here are the top 5 stretches you can do at your desk to help prevent your hard earned money flying to the masseuse or TCM.

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What Type Of Fitness Classes Are Best For You?

What Type Of Fitness Classes Are Best For You?

With a huge variety of fitness classes offered now, we are spoilt for choices. We know that it can be quite overwhelming to choose what type of classes to attend first or by which order is best for beginners. Using four popular fitness classes as an example, I am going to share with you how to categorize them and what will benefit you depending on your fitness goals and fitness level.

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