3 Benefits Of Exercising For Your Employees

employee workout classes singapore

If you are reading this, I would like to assume that you are an employer who cares about your employees’ health (aww…). Or maybe you are an employee hoping that this can be a good post to share with your employer so that you receive more employee benefits when it comes to health. Hopefully, I won’t disappoint either one of you. Let’s start!


Boom. Seriously, which employer doesn’t want that? Big companies like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter have amazing wellness benefits for their employees. This includes a free gym membership with the gym in close proximity, at their office building, or in their own office.

Of course, I’m not saying you must build a gym in your office (duh), but it does explain why people are more inclined and motivated to work at such companies. It is also proven that exercise improves productivity which contributes to the growth of the company.

As an employer, you can do your part to raise awareness of employee wellbeing and stress on the importance of exercise to your employees. As simple as just organizing talks and fitness events for your company, you can reap the benefits from investing in your employees. Additionally, implementing a corporate wellness program can significantly contribute to employee retention. When employees feel their wellbeing is prioritized, they are more likely to stay with the company.


Employees on sick leave will not only affect productivity but are also costly, due to covering the cost of hiring temporary staff or if other employees have to bear the extra workload, it could lead to overwork, stress, and then taking more MC.

Not only does it benefit the employer, but also an employee, money can be saved on consultations with the doctor and time not wasted from waiting for their turn in the clinic. Employees can also avoid feeling miserable and stressed over the piling workload that they have to handle once they get back to work.

As simple as just increasing the number of steps you clock in daily, it is already the first step to promote exercise! I know of companies that organised an internal steps challenge for their employees. Individuals and teams with the highest number of steps at the end of each month were rewarded. This motivated everyone to encourage one another, which increased employee interaction and bonding! Killing two birds with one stone, isn’t that a great idea?


If you are one of those employers who does not believe in work-life balance, does not exercise, but expects your employees to just work like a cow and lead the same lifestyle as you, please stop reading. Unless you are the total opposite, or maybe you were once like that and would like to make a change (that’s why you are reading this now), THAT’S AMAZING. I approve, keep reading.

When you exercise, your body produces endorphins. They are chemicals that react in your brain, reducing your perception of pain and triggering positive emotions. You will be able to improve sleep quality which then leads to reduced stress.

As simple as that, just exercising, will lead to even higher productivity, less sick leave, happier employees and many more. So have you considered doing something about health and wellness at your workplace yet?

If you ever feel that planning a year’s worth of workplace wellness program is too much of a chore, this is where fitness service providers like us come in to help you. From the planning to the execution, we’ve got you covered. We would like to offer you a COMPLIMENTARY 30 MINUTES CONSULTATION with our workplace wellness consultant to understand better what to expect and how we can add value to you.

This article is written by our founder and personal trainer, Gina Chan, who specialises in bodybuilding, functional training, weight management, and re-conditioning. She is also a certified Pilates and aqua aerobics instructor.

Edited by the FITFAMCO Team.


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