Using Technologies Old And New For Fitness
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Using Technologies Old And New For Fitness

New advancements in technologies spell for great innovation and productivity ahead. SgFitFam’s very own founder, Gina Chan, has been advocating that the adoption of digitalisation is as vital as is beneficial. There are technologies easily available to digitalise information be it for personal or professional use. Here are 3 interesting applications that we would like to share with you to assist you in your fitness goals.

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The Full Collection: Discussions About Health & Fitness Topics
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The Full Collection: Discussions About Health & Fitness Topics

Home workouts and running outdoors have become a new norm during this circuit breaker. However, not everyone has adequate information to plan and execute their own workout routine effectively. Therefore, our live talk show, SFFseries, will be a reliable avenue for viewers to gain knowledge and learn practical habits which can be applied to their daily lives.

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How To Plan Your Own Exercise Routine?
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How To Plan Your Own Exercise Routine?

We have seen many people turning to the internet for workout videos and programmes, or simply heading to the park for a jog since the start of the circuit breaker. However, most people were unable to see any more improvements after exercising for a few weeks and have lost motivation. Here are 3 simple tips that can help you get back on track and give yourself a sense of empowerment by planning your own exercise routine!

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Can We Still Exercise During COVID-19?
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Can We Still Exercise During COVID-19?

The answer is YES. Most of us are afraid of catching the virus and besides washing our hands regularly and practising good personal hygiene, boosting our immune system can also reduce our likeliness to fall sick. This includes resting well, eating a healthy diet (does not include packets of instant noodles and canned foods), and exercising regularly.

If you are not sick, there is no reason why you should stop exercising. Besides doing a home workout, here are some helpful tips to keep yourself safe when exercising in public/shared spaces.

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How To Differentiate A Good Trainer From A Great One?
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How To Differentiate A Good Trainer From A Great One?

Here comes the big question: How do I know if he/she is “The One”?

Of course, I’m referring to Personal Trainers (PTs). There are hundreds of PTs in Singapore which makes it hard for us to choose from. Besides stating the obvious (trainer has to be qualified), how do you make sure that the trainer you are paying for is better than the rest?

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Meal Prep The Lazy Way
Nutrition Nutrition

Meal Prep The Lazy Way

Shopping around the supermarket for ingredients, cutting the ingredients in the kitchen and cooking them into meals. When you hear the words “meal prep”, these are probably some of the things that come to mind. Fortunately, there are easier ways to help you prepare your meals. Here are three ways to help you get your meals prepared faster!

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