7 Meaningful Ways to Spend Your Wellness Stipend from Work
Employee benefits are a factor in whether or not an employee accepts a job offer aside from salary. Benefits allow employees to set monthly benefit limits, giving them complete control over the cost of their benefits based on their wants and needs. Stipends can be given to employees in a variety of ways. But where do you even begin? This is the ultimate list for you to enjoy your employee stipend.

Using Technologies Old And New For Fitness
New advancements in technologies spell for great innovation and productivity ahead. SgFitFam’s very own founder, Gina Chan, has been advocating that the adoption of digitalisation is as vital as is beneficial. There are technologies easily available to digitalise information be it for personal or professional use. Here are 3 interesting applications that we would like to share with you to assist you in your fitness goals.

Golfer's Elbow & How To Fix It
Feeling pain in the elbow when straightening your arm? Golfer’s elbow can be seen in those who tend to experience excess or repeated stress at the elbow, often from activities that involve twisting or flexing their wrist repetitively. What type of stretches and exercises are recommended to treat inner elbow pain?

3 Obstacles In Sustaining A New Fitness Lifestyle
As we all know, setting new goals and resolutions at the start of the year often results in us not achieving them. This is because suddenly switching up our routine can be hard to sustain. These are the top 3 obstacles most people face when adopting a new lifestyle, and here’s how you can overcome them.

6 Problems With Virtual Fitness Classes And Solutions
Technology solves problems but also has its issues as well. With our experience conducting virtual health programs, these are our solutions to provide the best services for our clients.

How To Plan Your Own Exercise Routine?
We have seen many people turning to the internet for workout videos and programmes, or simply heading to the park for a jog since the start of the circuit breaker. However, most people were unable to see any more improvements after exercising for a few weeks and have lost motivation. Here are 3 simple tips that can help you get back on track and give yourself a sense of empowerment by planning your own exercise routine!

The Ultimate List Of Stretches: WFH Edition
To prevent muscle tightness and pain, as well as feeling lethargic due to prolonged sitting and inactivity, follow along to our short 15-min stretching videos to rejuvenate yourselves and take a break from work.
This is a compilation of all the stretches you can do easily when working from home (or at the office when the circuit breaker ends).

Can We Still Exercise During COVID-19?
The answer is YES. Most of us are afraid of catching the virus and besides washing our hands regularly and practising good personal hygiene, boosting our immune system can also reduce our likeliness to fall sick. This includes resting well, eating a healthy diet (does not include packets of instant noodles and canned foods), and exercising regularly.
If you are not sick, there is no reason why you should stop exercising. Besides doing a home workout, here are some helpful tips to keep yourself safe when exercising in public/shared spaces.

3 Dumbbell Exercises for a Perkier Butt
Most of us dream of having a peach bum and have the impression that it is hard to attain. However, our buttocks are actually made up of a group of gluteal muscles (one of the largest muscles in the lower body). Similar to other muscles in your body, these muscles require training in order to grow and be firm.

Common Aches & Pains: A Rehab Trainer’s Insights
We asked our rehab trainer, Sarah Caisip, about the common pains clients usually see her for, and the questions they would normally ask. Know if your trainers are legit and are not only temporarily “fixing” you and making you come back again and again.

How To Differentiate A Good Trainer From A Great One?
Here comes the big question: How do I know if he/she is “The One”?
Of course, I’m referring to Personal Trainers (PTs). There are hundreds of PTs in Singapore which makes it hard for us to choose from. Besides stating the obvious (trainer has to be qualified), how do you make sure that the trainer you are paying for is better than the rest?

3 Qigong Exercises For Better Health And Rest
In our previous post, we mentioned the benefits of qigong. (Read: Is Qigong Only For The Elderly?) This time, our qigong specialist is back to teach you 3 beginner-friendly exercises you can do to achieve better health and rest. Step by step instructions are listed and a short audio clip for progressive muscle relaxation is also included for you to follow along!

Meal Prep The Lazy Way
Shopping around the supermarket for ingredients, cutting the ingredients in the kitchen and cooking them into meals. When you hear the words “meal prep”, these are probably some of the things that come to mind. Fortunately, there are easier ways to help you prepare your meals. Here are three ways to help you get your meals prepared faster!

How Can We Avoid Overeating During Social Gatherings
Sustaining a consistent diet and exercise plan can be a challenging task, especially when our work, personal commitments and lifestyle get in the way. Often I am asked by individuals trying to lose weight about the best way to eat at social gatherings. Are there any ways to prevent or minimise weight gain during a social gathering that serves abundant and decadent food? Here are five strategies that can help you manage your eating when you are next out with your colleagues, friends or family.

Exercise Equipment For Beginners
Just started your fitness journey but found the gym too intimidating? Don’t worry, you can begin with these equipment as you build up on both your fitness and confidence level. Read more to find out!

Is Qigong Only For The Elderly?
The first thing that pops into your mind when you hear “qigong” is most likely a group of elderly folks gathered together in a park or a community center. However, is qigong only suitable for the older population? Doing qigong is similar to installing an upgraded engine. Our physical and sporting performance can be improved and we will become stronger. What other benefits can we get from doing qigong?

What Diet Works For You?
When we think about weight loss, the biggest question asked is which diet works best, and you’ll get a bunch of answers. Cut the carbs, go keto, gluten free, eat the horn of a unicorn, mix this herb you’ve never heard of into your food, drink this miracle shake that will totally change you into a supermodel.
Let me tell you a tiny secret: Every commercial diet available in the market right now works. They all come with pictures stating results, and in most cases, the popular ones are real, actual results. But there are some factors you should look at before jumping on the bandwagon.

What Not to Expect From Personal Training
When expectations are not properly aligned between trainer and client, it usually leads to unpleasant experiences, unhappy people and zero results. What are some of the misconceptions of engaging a personal trainer and what you should NOT expect to save yourself from awkward situations?

Home Workout Targeting All Your Major Muscles
Here are 5 beginner-friendly exercises you can do at home to build on the foundation movement and learn how to activate your major muscles (chest, legs, core, back). We will share with you what are the common “but I feel this muscle leh" and where are the places you are actually supposed to feel. Have you been doing your basics right?