Making Healthier Food Choices at Nearby Hawker Centres
Nutrition Namra Bano Barakat Nutrition Namra Bano Barakat

Making Healthier Food Choices at Nearby Hawker Centres

Hawker food in Singapore is known for being delicious, affordable, and convenient. However, some hawker dishes can be high in calories, fat, and sodium, which can contribute to health problems if consumed in excess. Choosing healthier options is important for maintaining a balanced diet and promoting overall health during your lunch break or while dining out.

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Ramadan Wellness: Practical Exercise & Nutrition Tips
Exercise, Nutrition Namra Bano Barakat Exercise, Nutrition Namra Bano Barakat

Ramadan Wellness: Practical Exercise & Nutrition Tips

Ramadan holds profound significance as a celebratory month for Muslims worldwide. This period is dedicated to fasting, prayers, reflections, expressions of gratitude, and community engagement. Fasting spans from dawn to dusk, with a central focus on spiritual priorities. However, it is equally crucial not to overlook the importance of maintaining physical health. A robust physical well-being not only facilitates smoother fasting but also enhances the quality of prayers and promotes better concentration in the regular activities of daily life. Continue to read to discover exercise and nutrition tips during Ramadan.

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Top 5 Benefits of Strength Training for Seniors (Plus Tips)
Exercise Guest User Exercise Guest User

Top 5 Benefits of Strength Training for Seniors (Plus Tips)

Whether we like it or not, our bodies undergo various transformations as we age. These changes, inherent to the natural course of life, encompass a blend of age-related structural, biochemical, and physiological shifts. While some of these alterations are inevitable, the way we lead our lives, including our level of physical activity and exercise, significantly influences the speed and extent of these changes. While the positive effects of exercise on overall health are widely acknowledged, the advantages of strength training, also known as resistance training, are gaining increased attention and promotion.

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A Beginner’s Guide to 5 Common Gym Machines
Exercise Guest User Exercise Guest User

A Beginner’s Guide to 5 Common Gym Machines

Welcome to the world of fitness, where the journey to a healthier, stronger you begin with a few simple steps or should we say, machines. Navigating the array of gym equipment can be overwhelming for beginners, but fear not! In this blog, we'll demystify five common gym machines, breaking down the intimidation factor and guiding you through the proper usage of each. Let's dive in and learn how to make the most of your gym experience, one machine at a time!

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