Ramadan Wellness: Practical Exercise & Nutrition Tips
Exercise, Nutrition Namra Bano Barakat Exercise, Nutrition Namra Bano Barakat

Ramadan Wellness: Practical Exercise & Nutrition Tips

Ramadan holds profound significance as a celebratory month for Muslims worldwide. This period is dedicated to fasting, prayers, reflections, expressions of gratitude, and community engagement. Fasting spans from dawn to dusk, with a central focus on spiritual priorities. However, it is equally crucial not to overlook the importance of maintaining physical health. A robust physical well-being not only facilitates smoother fasting but also enhances the quality of prayers and promotes better concentration in the regular activities of daily life. Continue to read to discover exercise and nutrition tips during Ramadan.

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7 Exercise & Nutrition Tips When Fasting During Ramadan

7 Exercise & Nutrition Tips When Fasting During Ramadan

The fasting month has begun and here are some simple tips you can follow if you wish to stay healthy and fit during Ramadan. Find out when is a good time and intensity to exercise during Ramadan, what foods to eat or avoid, and what to do if you are not hitting your goals.

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3 Obstacles In Sustaining A New Fitness Lifestyle
exercise exercise

3 Obstacles In Sustaining A New Fitness Lifestyle

As we all know, setting new goals and resolutions at the start of the year often results in us not achieving them. This is because suddenly switching up our routine can be hard to sustain. These are the top 3 obstacles most people face when adopting a new lifestyle, and here’s how you can overcome them.

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How To Lose Weight While Improving Your Gut Health
Nutrition Nutrition

How To Lose Weight While Improving Your Gut Health

Do you wish to have better gut health while being able to lose weight at the same time? With good microorganism composition and diversity living in our gut, you will have a stronger immune system, heart and brain health, improved mood, better sleep, effective digestion, and may even prevent some cancers and autoimmune diseases. Find out what are the 3 simple ways we can implement to improve our gut health.

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The Full Collection: Discussions About Health & Fitness Topics
exercise exercise

The Full Collection: Discussions About Health & Fitness Topics

Home workouts and running outdoors have become a new norm during this circuit breaker. However, not everyone has adequate information to plan and execute their own workout routine effectively. Therefore, our live talk show, SFFseries, will be a reliable avenue for viewers to gain knowledge and learn practical habits which can be applied to their daily lives.

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Meal Prep The Lazy Way
Nutrition Nutrition

Meal Prep The Lazy Way

Shopping around the supermarket for ingredients, cutting the ingredients in the kitchen and cooking them into meals. When you hear the words “meal prep”, these are probably some of the things that come to mind. Fortunately, there are easier ways to help you prepare your meals. Here are three ways to help you get your meals prepared faster!

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How Can We Avoid Overeating During Social Gatherings
Nutrition Nutrition

How Can We Avoid Overeating During Social Gatherings

Sustaining a consistent diet and exercise plan can be a challenging task, especially when our work, personal commitments and lifestyle get in the way. Often I am asked by individuals trying to lose weight about the best way to eat at social gatherings. Are there any ways to prevent or minimise weight gain during a social gathering that serves abundant and decadent food? Here are five strategies that can help you manage your eating when you are next out with your colleagues, friends or family.

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Increase Employees' Engagement Through Government Funding

Increase Employees' Engagement Through Government Funding

Health and fitness need not be a costly affair! To encourage more people to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, HPB has come up with many free and funded initiatives for individuals and corporate.

We are an approved vendor under the SME Health+ program where we provide our services to companies who wish to engage their employees and utilize the available funding at the same time. More details about this program and other available initiatives can be found in our latest blog post.

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What Diet Works For You?
Nutrition Nutrition

What Diet Works For You?

When we think about weight loss, the biggest question asked is which diet works best, and you’ll get a bunch of answers. Cut the carbs, go keto, gluten free, eat the horn of a unicorn, mix this herb you’ve never heard of into your food, drink this miracle shake that will totally change you into a supermodel.

Let me tell you a tiny secret: Every commercial diet available in the market right now works. They all come with pictures stating results, and in most cases, the popular ones are real, actual results. But there are some factors you should look at before jumping on the bandwagon.

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