psychologist singapore

With a background in clinical psychology and extensive experience in mental wellness campaigns for MNCs and SMEs, Darwina is also a mental health advocate, she aims to break the stigma surrounding mental health through heartfelt sharing and community discussions.

darwina binte azmi



Darwina started her psychology practice in a more clinical setting where she headed the psychology team in a psychiatric nursing home for 3 years. Here, she honed her expertise in working with seniors and their management of clinical conditions. She later joined a social enterprise for the next 4 years and ventured into creating fun but impactful year-long mental wellness campaigns for clients in both MNCs and SMEs. These include facilitating mental wellness workshops, creating mental health champions in the organization, and churning out relevant digital newsletters on mental health and wellness. She also continues to contribute to gerontology academic research on the delay or reversal of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia in a paper published recently in Nature, 2021.

Darwina considers herself a mental health advocate and wishes to break the stigma in mental health with more heartfelt sharing and community discussions.

female psychologist for corporate talk in singapore
Behind the scene
stress/time management corporate talk singapore


  • PGdip Psychology

  • Bachelors in Arts (Psychology)

relieve stress at work blog

8 Tips to Relieve Stress at Work

Don't let your stress fester any longer! Stress can have a negative impact on both your physical and emotional health, but there are ways to prevent and relieve it. Try these 8 stress-relieving tips and see if they work for you.

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