nutritionist coach singapore

Raihan has led nutrition talks, cooking demonstrations, and health promotion campaigns for public organizations, and is a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor who emphasizes the importance of diet and physical activity for long-term health.

raihan bin yacob



Graduated with a bachelor degree in Food and Human Nutrition with First Class Honours from Newcastle University in 2018, and a diploma in Applied Food Science and Nutrition from Temasek Polytechnic in 2013, making it into the Director's List being the top 10% of his cohort.

Raihan has led nutrition talks, cooking demonstrations, health promotion campaigns and nutrition sessions to public organisations such as Community Centres, Mosques, and Government Schools.

With his experience and friendly demeanour, Raihan led Nutrition and Health segments on various media platforms, including MediaCorp Suria and FM Radio Warna 942. He has also been featured in the Berita Harian newspaper since 2016.

Raihan believes that both diet and physical activity are important to make permanent and beneficial changes in the long run. Therefore, he is also a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor to encourage exercise.

nutrition wellness talk corporate
Behind the scene
nutrition talk session corporate


  • Bachelor of Science (Food and Human Nutrition) with First Class Honours - Newcastle University, SIT

  • Anugerah Cemerlang Mendaki (For First Class Honours) - Yayasan Medaki, Singapore

  • Diploma in Applied Food Science and Nutrition - Temasek Polytechnic (Director’s List Top 10%)

  • Certificate in Psychology Fundamentals - Temasek Polytechnic Diploma Plus Programme

  • Certificate in Business Finance - Nanyang Technological University

  • Certified Personal Trainer - National Council of Sports and Fitness

easy meals for protein intake blog

20 Easy Meals To Meet Your Daily Protein Intake (Part 2)

Adequate intake of protein is important for hair growth because hair follicles are made of mostly protein. Here are 20 ideas of high protein snacks and meals suitable for vegans, pescatarians and vegetarians alike.

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